Friday, February 21, 2020

2C :2-6 . Liability for conduct of another; complicity

2C :2-6 .  Liability for conduct of another;  complicity

    a.  A person is guilty of an offense if it is committed by his own conduct or by the conduct of another person for which he is legally accountable, or both.

    b.  A person is legally accountable for the conduct of another person when:

    (1) Acting with the kind of culpability that is sufficient for the commission of the offense, he causes an innocent or irresponsible person to engage in such conduct;

    (2) He is made accountable for the conduct of such other person by the code  or by the law defining the offense;

    (3) He is an accomplice of such other person in the commission of an offense;  or

    (4) He is engaged in a conspiracy with such other person.

    c.  A person is an accomplice of another person in the commission of an offense if:

    (1) With the purpose of promoting or facilitating the commission of the offense;  he

    (a) Solicits such other person to commit it;

    (b) Aids or agrees or attempts to aid such other person in planning or committing it;  or

    (c) Having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the offense, fails to make proper effort so to do;  or

    (2) His conduct is expressly declared by law to establish his complicity.

    d.  A person who is legally incapable of committing a particular offense himself may be guilty thereof if it is committed by another person for whose conduct he is legally accountable, unless such liability is inconsistent with the purpose of the provision establishing his incapacity.

    e.  Unless otherwise provided by the code or by the law defining the offense, a person is not an accomplice in an offense committed by another person if:

    (1) He is a victim of that offense;

    (2) The offense is so defined that his conduct is inevitably incident to its  commission;  or

    (3) He terminates his complicity under circumstances manifesting a complete  and voluntary renunciation as defined in section 2C :5-1 d. prior to the  commission of the offense.  Termination by renunciation is an affirmative defense which the defendant must prove by a preponderance of evidence.

    f.  An accomplice may be convicted on proof of the commission of the offense  and of his complicity therein, though the person claimed to have committed the  offense has not been prosecuted or convicted or has been convicted of a  different offense or degree of offense or has an immunity to prosecution or  conviction or has been acquitted.

    L.1978, c. 95, s. 2C :2-6 , eff. Sept. 1, 1979.

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